- Hopeless; despairs of recovery.
- Melancholy, deep and persistent; religious.
- Suicidal tendency.
- Good-humor in morning; works with pleasure; enjoys everything. Excitable, vexed with everything.
- Fear. Anxiety: when riding in a carriage; with trembling of hands and restlessness.
- Melancholy: religious; she could commit suicide, then is full of phantasms, peevishness, and lachrymation; alternating suddenly with liveliness.
- Despair: fear of failing in business; wishes to die in spite of the best hopes. Driven to despair by excessive itching.
- Ill-humor: in morning; and constant thoughts of dying; could weep about everything.
- Quarrelsome.
- Every moral emotion causes trembling.
- Disinclination to work; to ride in a carriage, then desire to ride all the time, even in bad weather.
- Sentimental.
- Inability to rid himself of ideas which first appeared to him in a dream.
- Thinking that he understood what he had read he tried to explain it, and found that he did not understand it.
- Memory lost; so that she does not recognize the room after looking out of the window.
- Thoughts vanish after over-lifting.
- Anxiety.
- Foreboding.
- Despair of recovery; great despondency; hopeless.
- Joyous.
- Melancholy, religious; gloomy.
- Horrid thoughts; suicidal tendency.
- Feels himself poor; his business is going to be a failure; though it is prosperous.
- Fear of fire; of being alone, of becoming insane etc.
- Aversion to work.
- Children very fretful, day and night.
- Peevish, irritable, noisy; easily startled.
- Severe ailments from even slight emotions.
- Dull, beclouded mind.
- Difficult thinking.
- Feels restless for days before a thunderstorm.
- Hopeless, and despairing of recovery, gives up all hope, thinks he will die.
- The mental symptoms present some strong features.
- Sadness, hopeless; he sees no light breaking through the clouds above his head; all is dark about him.
- He thinks his business is going to be a failure; that he is going to the poor house; that he has sinned away his day of grace.
- It is a fixed idea during the day and he dreams about it at night.
- Overwhelming sadness; dejection; he takes no joy in his family; feels that these things are hot for him.
- His business is prosperous, yet he feels as if he were going to the poor house. No joy or realization of benefit .
- Extremely irritable, wants to be alone.
- Does not want to be washed.
- Full of anxiety, even of suicide.
- Despair of recovery his sick.
- Though there is no eruption at night he is driven to despair by the continual itching.
- If he throws the covers off then he becomes chilly; if he covers up, then there is itching.
- Sensitive to cold yet the skin is worse from heat.
- Tingling, itching, fornication, crawling like ants running over the surface, as of insects in the skin.
- Especially suited to broken down individuals, who have vertigo as soon as they go into the open air; become dizzy and want to go home and lie down; afraid they will lose their breath.